

Scheduling Hard Real-time Garbage Collection
Tomas Kalibera, Filip Pizlo, Antony L. Hosking, Jan Vitek
To appear in Proceedings of The 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2009

Replicating Real-time Garbage Collector for Java [pdf] 
Tomas Kalibera
7th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems (JTRES), 2009

A Hardware Abstraction Layer for Java
Martin Schoeberl, Stephan Korsholm, Tomas Kalibera, and Anders P. Ravn
To appear in ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)

Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments Revisited [pdf] 
Jason Baker, Antonio Cunei, Tomas Kalibera, Filip Pizlo, Jan Vitek
To appear in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
(supercedes "Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments with Lazy Pointer Stacks" in the Proceedings of Compiler Construction, 16th International Conference (CC'07))

An efficient and flexible toolkit for composing customized method dispatchers [pdf] 
Antonio Cunei and Jan Vitek
Software: Practice and Experience, vol. 38, no. 1, 2008.
(supercedes "PolyD: A Flexible Dispatching Framework" in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'05))

Hierarchical Real-Time Garbage Collection [pdf]  
Filip Pizlo, Antony L. Hosking, and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'07), 2007.

Streamflex: High-Throughput Stream Programming in Java [pdf]  
Jesper Honig Spring, Jean Privat, Rachid Guerraoui, and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems and Applications (OOPSLA'07), 2007.

Reflexes: Abstractions for Highly Responsive Systems [pdf]  
Jesper Honig Spring, Filip Pizlo, Rachid Guerraoui, and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE'07), 2007.

A Real-Time Java Virtual Machine with Applications in Avionics [pdf]  
Austin Armbruster, Jason Baker, Antonio Cunei, Chapman Flack, David Holmes, Filip Pizlo, Edward Pla, Marek Prochazka, Jan Vitek
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), vol. 7, no.1, 2007.
(supercedes "Real-time Java in Avionics Applications" in the Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'06))

Accurate Garbage Collection in Uncooperative Environments with Lazy Pointer Stacks [pdf]  
Jason Baker, Antonio Cunei, Filip Pizlo, and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of Compiler Construction, 16th International Conference (CC'07), 2007.

Encapsulating Objects with Confined Types [pdf]  
Christian Grothoff, Jens Palsberg, and Jan Vitek
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), vol.29, no.6, 2007.

Scoped Types and Aspects for Real-Time Java Memory Management [pdf]  
Chris Andreae, Yvonne Coady, Celina Gibbs, James Noble, Jan Vitek, and Tian Zhao
Real-Time Systems, vol. 37, no. 1, 2007.

An Emprical Evaluation of Memory Management Alternatives for Real-Time Java [pdf]
Filip Pizlo, Jan Vitek
Proceedings of 27th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'06), 2006.

A New Approach to Real-time Checkpointing [pdf]  
Antonio Cunei, Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE'06), 2006.

Real-time Java in Avionics Applications [pdf]  
Jason Baker, Antonio Cunei, Chapman Flack, Filip Pizlo, Marek Prochazka, Jan Vitek, Austin Armbuster, Edward Pla, David Holmes
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2006.

Engineering a Customizable Intermediate Representation for the Ovm Framework [pdf]   
Krzystof Palacz, Jason Baker, Chapman Flack, Christian Grothoff, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Jan Vitek
Science of Computer Programming no. 57, vol. 3, 2005.
(supercedes "Engineering a Customizable Intermediate Representation" in the Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators, (IVME'03).)

Preemptible Atomic Regions for Real-time Java  [pdf] 
Jeremy Manson, Jason Baker, Toni Cunei, Suresh Jagannathan, Marek Prochazka, Bin Xin, Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS05), 2005.

PolyD: A Flexible Dispatching Framework [pdf] 
Antonio Cunei and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'05), 2005.

Engineering a Customizable Intermediate Representation
K. Palacz, J. Baker, C. Flack, C. Grothoff, H. Yamauchi, J. Vitek.
Presented at IVME 2003
This paper presents the design of the Ovm intermediate representation and how various Ovm components are build based upon the IR specification.

Idioms in Ovm
by C. Flack, T. Hosking and J. Vitek.
Technical Report No. CSD-TR-03-017, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University
This paper presents the idioms used in Ovm to efficiently express non-Java behaviors and compares the Ovm approach with design characteristics of JikesRVM.

Scoped Types for Real-time Java [pdf]  
Filip Pizlo, Jason M. Fox, David Holmes, Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'04), 2004.

Real-Time Java Scoped Memory: Design Patterns and Semantics [pdf]  
Filip Pizlo, Jason M. Fox, David Holmes, Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing, (ISORC 2004), 2004.

Subtype tests in real time [pdf]
Krzysztof Palacz and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP'03), 2003.

Walkabout Revisted: The Runabout
Christian Grothoff.
Presented at ECOOP 2003
This paper presents a variation of the visitor patter which allows programmers to write visitor-like code in a concise way. The Runabout is a library extension which adds a limited form of multi-dispatch without requiring changes to Java syntax or the compiler.

Incommunicado: Fast Communication for Isolates
Krzysztof Palacz, Greg Czakowski, Laurent Daynes and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'02).

Encapsulating Objects with Confined Types [pdf]
Christian Grothoff, Jens Palsberg and Jan Vitek
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'01)